Saturday, August 13, 2011

(day forty-five) posing the question of "rightness"

Hallelujah!!!! Half way through the 90 day extreme challenge!!!!! Even though it's been hard work at times, I'm loving every second and very excited about these new "healthy habits" being a part of my lifestyle foreeeeever. If you are doing a challenge.... great job, keep it up! If not, thank you so much for taking time to read and encourage me in this! I've truly been blessed by every single one of you :) If you have a cool testimony of how God has revealed His love to you or through you PLEASE share, I'd love to hear it!

Rather than writing a blog today about my perspective on something, I thought I'd pose a question. This question is something I've been rolling around in my head for quite some time now. I'm forming my own opinion based on the word of God and the leading of the Holy Spirit as we speak. But this afternoon I'd really like us all to open our hearts, eyes, and minds to what God wants to say to each of us.... individually. I do think He's moving in a mighty way across our church body, but what is He saying to you?? Right now? Perhaps this question will lead to other questions which will lead to other thoughts and revelations. My prayer and hope is that you take this small challenge, apply it to your life, what watch for God to move. My guess is that as you seek Him, He'll reveal Himself to you in a new refreshing way. Then you'll be more than ready to go change the world with His love, one person at a time :)

What's the question you ask? It's more like a bundle of question(s), haha: How crucial is it, for Christians especially, to be right? Is it more important for our "rightness" to be known by others or shown to others? Can we live out the gospel effectively without "proving our point"? Is it our responsibility to defend the gospel? Is it possible for us to be "wrong" in our "right" because of our heart in the matter? In everything we do and say, are we revealing (and representing) the true character and nature of God?

I'll leave these questions for you to ponder, ask, seek, discuss, journal, and pray about. Please take a few minutes to watch this video. It's the second half of the one I showed you a few weeks ago. An amazing story of love that I think you'll enjoy :) Might even help you with your questions.

The Story of The Jesus Portrait from Resurrection Fellowship on Vimeo.

B90: (Psalm 119:81- 150:6) Enjoy the end of Psalm!!!

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